Recruiting and Staffing

Expertly Focused on Collaboration Roles

As former technology Alliance & Partner executives we understand the unique roles, skills, and compensation to effectively staff critical collaboration related positions.

Leveraging a broad network and brand, we can quickly identify and secure the best Alliance, Business Development, and Channel Sales talent. 

ARM Partners provides a unique staffing model to minimize your risk and cost for highly-skilled Alliance Formation and Business Development roles that can be consumed on a project or fractional basis.

Personnel Assessments & Identification of Developmental Needs

  • - Talent Audit capability to benchmark the DNA of your current channel and partnership development teams
  • - Ensure you have the right people in the right jobs and identify developmental needs


Leveraging Our Network to Identify and Vet Top Talent: 

  • - Senior Leadership Roles
  • - Team Leadership Roles
  • - Individual Contributors


Critical Resources Without the SGA Headcount Burden:

  • - Alliance & Channel leadership and individual contributor roles
  • - Interim Management